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The Sad Reality of Obesity: Debunking Myths and Empowering Sustainable Weight Loss 

Updated: Apr 30

Obesity in most cultures has been seen as a cosmetic concern. Far from it however, it is a serious medical condition where one has excess weight or body fat and along with this comes predisposition to other diseases. Of great concern are the associated cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. To make things worse, obesity has been growing worldwide with far more people getting it compared to a few years ago. This article sheds some light on some of the unfiltered realities of obesity together with the myths and how fitness enthusiasts can achieve sustainable weight loss.

Obesity as an Epidemic

According to WHO, an estimated 11% of adults are obese. In children, there has been a 4 found increase in prevalence since 1975. This is to say that the epidemic has reached unprecedented proportions and it has left impact from all walks of life. This alarming rise in rates of Obesity has been associated with:

● Related health consequences such as type diabetes, heart diseases and strokes

● Significant economic burden due to the strain on the healthcare system

● Diminished productivity

It therefore calls for urgent measures to collectively implement proactive measures and address this epidemic.

What Causes Obesity?

While obesity can develop simply because of personal choices, it is infact a complex condition that involves genes, the environment and lifestyle factors. By understanding these concepts, weight management strategies can be undertaken appropriately.

Genes and Obesity

Genetic predisposition has been implicated in obesity. Some people inherit genes that may not function appropriately in terms of metabolism, storage of fat and even regulating their appetite. Studies have however shown that genes alone may not lead to obesity.

The Influence of Environment

The environment in this case range from the food we take to such things as a sedentary lifestyle. Food particularly has a more direct role in developing obesity. The high-calorie processed foods together with how easily they can be accessed is crucial in developing obesity.

Lifestyle Choices

When you choose a sedentary lifestyle which encompass reduced physical activity, then you choose obesity. This also stretches to such crucial things as lack of enough sleep, stress and taking certain medications.

The complex interplay of all these factors contribute to obesity and overweight. These are potential points that can be addressed if one has to kick obesity.

Common Myths about Obesity and Weight Loss

With a poor understanding of obesity, there has been an upsurge of very distracting Myths about obesity and weight loss. These need to be debunked in order for evidence based strategies to be employed. Here are some common Myths:

1. Obesity is Due to Lack of Willpower and Laziness

For a long time now, many societies across the world have seen obesity as a self-imposed condition because of the choices they make every day. While this is partly true, obesity is a complex condition with genes, the environment and lifestyle factors coming into play.

2. It is not one's problem that they are overweight or obese

While it has been emphasized that obesity includes different factors, studies have shown that chronic overconsumption of energy with less energy expenditure is the aim driver of obesity. It is therefore one's responsibility that they are overweight or obese.

3. Healthy Foods do not affect Weight loss

Some people tend to think that consuming unlimited quantities of healthy foods does not lead to obesity. Even healthy foods however contain calories and overconsumption lead to caloric surplus which leads to obesity or hinders weight loss.

These are just a few of the most common myths and misconceptions. There are many other which need to be addressed appropriately.

What Can You Do?

It is true that obesity is a complex illness. The good news however is that very simple steps can be taken to kick it out and be normal again. Steps that can be taken include:

1. Accept responsibility and be ready to drop some of the habits that lead to obesity such as overeating

2. Reduce high fat foods and increase protein intake

3. Have healthy eating habits including eating quietly without distractions in order to realize satiety levels.

4. Do exercise frequently including simple ones such as taking a walk

5. Measure the food you take in order to track how you are improving and adjust appropriately

In conclusion, while obesity is an interplay of genes, environment and lifestyle factors, responsibility lies on the individual to try and avoid tipping over and lose weight. Simple steps can be taken to lose weight. Importantly, one should avoid falling in the traps of existing myths and misconceptions.

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